Enter now

To register and start your entry, please use the button below. If you have previously started, please login on the right-hand side.

We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

If you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Prudence Fabre on +44 (0)203 953 2914 or email prudence.fabre@emap.com.

The entry deadline for the AR Public awards is 22 March 2024.


Submit your entry via the online entry form.

Your entry should consist of: 

  • two A2 boards, uploaded as two separate PDF files containing compressed images, and at least one plan and one section of the project – files should not exceed 12Mb and boards need to be anonymous, otherwise they may be disqualified 
  • a 200-word summary of your project, written in English 
  • a JPEG image of your project (480x480px)that will be added to the AR Public gallery page
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